Stress is part of life. While stress can happen at any time you are working home, there are plenty of methods to address it.

Do you feel stressed, alone, or empty within you working at home?
There are a lot of benefits to working at home. It will save you travel time, you don’t have to dress up as often (some will be in their pajamas while working). Also, it gives you a way out of working with people you don’t want to be around.
However, working at home could have some disadvantages too. It may sound crazy, but it could be stressful working at home. New research shows that working at home increases loneliness and mental distress levels. In addition, their productivity is lessened due to many distractions.
If you’re struggling with these feelings, I want you to know that there are many things you can do to help reduce your stress, uplift your mood, and increase your productivity on important tasks.
The following are strategies that you can use whenever you feel like stressful feelings are getting the best of you. Try any of these activities until you’re feeling better.
Those who exercise regularly are less likely to experience anxiety than those who don’t. Exercise releases feel-good endorphins, enhances your sleep quality and can help increase your confidence. So, get up, take your dancing or workout shoes and start moving your body. Find the body movement that you enjoy the most.
Certain scents can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Lavender, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, and geranium have all been shown to offer these benefits. You can also add relaxing music that soothes your senses.
Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, and energy drinks. It can cause jitters and anxiety in high doses. If you experience symptoms such as jitteriness or anxiety, consider cutting back on your intake. Try matcha tea or other green teas; they have lesser caffeine than coffee if you really need caffeine.

Your family and friends can offer you support in times of need, so you must keep them close to you. Research has found that spending time with friends can help release oxytocin, which helps to relieve stress. So call them on the phone or video chat regularly. We are so blessed at this age of having more accessible access to the internet that allows us to connect with our family and friends worldwide.
Spending some time out of your day to laugh can go a long way to relieving stress. You can watch funny movies and TV shows, or you can try the one that I love to do– induce laughter. I will look at the mirror, make funny faces and start laughing. Try this, and you will laugh.
Laughter helps relieve tension by relaxing your muscles, strengthening your immune system, and uplifting your mood.
Often you will find yourself stressed because you’ve taken on too many responsibilities. Learn to set boundaries and be more selective about what you agree to do. Remember, it is ok to say “NO” even to those you want to please. Your well-being is important too.
However, If saying “No” is a struggle for you, maybe you need to develop self-love. Enroll in our Self-Love Course and learn how you could say goodbye to people-pleasing behavior and set boundaries.
We procrastinate most of the time because we don’t want to tackle the tasks that we don’t like. We tend to set aside big jobs that will require more effort and more time. We ended up taking care of easier, small, unimportant tasks. If you put off doing important tasks, you could find yourself getting stressed and having to scramble to complete those tasks before the deadline.
Instead, try to EAT the Frog first, as Brian Tracy said. Eat the giant, ugly frog, the urgent and important task that you dread to do. Also, try to focus on one task at a time instead of multitasking. Make a list of the things you need to do and do them in order of urgency and importance. You’ll reduce stress and enjoy greater productivity.
Learn to JUST BE by focusing on the present moment. For example, try spending time in silence, meditating, doing some yoga, and praying. When you practice mindfulness and focus on the present rather than the past or future, you’ll see an anxiety reduction.
Music has a different effect on us. For example, when you need the energy to finish your essential tasks, you may need to listen to music that heightens your energy, so you become awake and enthusiastic. On the other hand, listen to slow-paced instrumental or meditation music when you need to wind down.
Certain types of music can lower your blood pressure and heart rate and may help to reduce stress hormones too.
Deep breathing aims to slow your breathing and make it deeper. This process will bring more oxygen to your body’s cells, relax your muscles, slow your heart rate, and leave you feeling more peaceful and relaxed. Find time in between your activities to take deep breaths.

Remember, the proper way of breathing is belly breathing. You breathe in through your nose, the air goes down to your belly, and as your diaphragm contracts, your stomach expands and breathes out slowly through your pursed lips.
Stress is part of life. While stress can happen at any time you are working home, there are plenty of methods to address it. So make a habit of practicing the strategies mentioned whenever you feel stressed, and eliminate your stress quickly as it arises.
However, when your stress is already affecting your life, relationships, and overall well-being and you feel that you are already losing your peace of mind and meaning of life, I invite you to join us in our Free ‘From Stress to Peace Workshop.’ Learn how to overcome stress from its root cause or Schedule your complimentary 30-minute Break Up with Stress Coaching Session for busy working women.